Брэнд - Soc Biblical Literature
We Have Heard with Our Ears, O God: Sources of the Communal Laments in the Psalms (South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism)
EAN 9780788503542 32.45 USD -
Death in Qoheleth and Egyptian Biographies of the Late Period
EAN 9781589834088 30.34 USD -
Notes on the Greek Text of Exodus
EAN 9781555404543 57.35 USD -
Honor, Shame, and the Rhetoric of 1 Peter (Dissertation Series / Society of Biblical Literature)
EAN 9780788505102 34.18 USD -
The Bible and Bibles in America (Bible in American Culture)
EAN 9781555400965 -
Despising Shame: Honor Discourse and Community Maintenance in the Epistle to the Hebrews (Early Christian Series)
EAN 9780788502002 -
Solomon"s Vineyard. Literary and Linguistic Studies in the Song of Songs
EAN 9781589834224 37.08 USD -
From a Broken Covenant to Circumcision of the Heart. Pauline Intertextual Exegesis in Romans 2:17-29
EAN 9781589836846 32.54 USD -
Semeia 69/70. Intertextuality and the Bible
EAN 9781589831568 42.26 USD -
Men and Women in the Fourth Gospel: Gender and Johannine Characterization (Dissertation Series / Society of Biblical Literature)
EAN 9780884140023 -
Roman Catholic Exegesis Since Divino Afflante Spiritu. Hermeneutical Implications
EAN 9781555402419 31.14 USD -
Linguistic Evidence for the Northern Origin of Selected Psalms
EAN 9781555405663 31.39 USD -
The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls (Archaeology and Biblical Studies)
EAN 9781589831834 14.36 USD -
Edgar Johnson Goodspeed: Articulate Scholar (Biblical Scholarship in North America)
EAN 9780891304395 22.81 USD