Brand - HOW Design
Damn Good: Top Designers Discuss Their All-Time Favorite Projects
EAN 9781440315480 39.19 USD -
2013 Photographer\"s Market
EAN 9781599636139 29.80 USD -
The Web Designer\"s Idea Book, Volume 3: Inspiration from Today\"s Best Web Design Trends, Themes and Styles
EAN 9781440323966 22.06 USD -
Blogging for Creatives: How designers, artists, crafters and writers can blog to make contacts, win business and build success
EAN 9781440320132 17.01 USD -
Creating Your Digital Portfolio: The Essential Guide to Showcasing Your Design Work Online
EAN 9781440310232 29.86 USD -
Build Your Own Brand: Strategies, Prompts and Exercises for Marketing Yourself
EAN 9781440324550 29.80 USD -
Archetypes in Branding: A Toolkit for Creatives and Strategists
EAN 9781440308185 38.76 USD -
Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site Design
EAN 9781440308420 23.62 USD -
Design DNA - Logos: 300+ International Logos Deconstructed
EAN 9781440310331 29.59 USD -
An Illustrated Journey: Inspiration From the Private Art Journals of Traveling Artists, Illustrators and Designers
EAN 9781440320255 21.40 USD -
The Logo Brainstorm Book: A Comprehensive Guide for Exploring Design Directions
EAN 9785496001861 21.33 USD -
2013 Artist"s & Graphic Designer"s Market
EAN 9781599636146 38.68 USD -
Color Index 2: Over 1500 New Color Combinations. For Print and Web Media. CMYK and RGB Formulas.
EAN 9781581809381 25.93 USD