Brand - Negro Universities Press
Governor Chamberlain"s Administration in South Carolina: A Chapter of Reconstruction in the Southern States
EAN 9780837115375 -
Slavery or "sacred trust"?
EAN 9780837120324 -
My African Reminiscences, 1875-95
EAN 9780837132938 -
Education of Negro Ministers
EAN 9780837114101 -
Vengeance as a Policy in Afrikanerland
EAN 9780837135328 -
Reminiscences of Gov.R.J.Walker
EAN 9780837116051 53.25 USD -
Campaign of Adowa and the Rise of Menelik
EAN 9780837111322 -
Gerrit Smith: A Biography
EAN 9780837127651 53.20 USD -
Some letters from Livingstone, 1840-1872
EAN 9780837120577 -
The Negro and the white man
EAN 9780837118895 -
Race and Population Problems
EAN 9780837119038 53.72 USD -
Memorials of South Africa
EAN 9780837137377 -
Memoir of Rev. Charles T. Torrey : Who Died in the Penitentiary of Maryland, Where He Was Confined for Showing Mercy to the Poor
EAN 9780837121918 -
Slaves and Ivory in Abyssinia: A Record of Adventure and Exploration Among the Ethiopian Slave-Raiders
EAN 9780837117539