Reminiscences of Gov.R.J.Walker
Price 53.25 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1902. Excerpt: ... CHAPTER XXI Condensed History. fT IS not my purpose to follow future events relating to the Lecompton Constitution in detail, as histories of these are already before the public, and are accessible to all. At the election on the 21st of December, there were returned 6,143 votes as cast "For the constitution with Slavery," and 569 "For the Constitution without Slavery." A very large majority of these votes were fraudulent. Indeed, it is questionable if they had to exceed 1,000 honest votes in the Territory. At the election under the Territorial law, on the 4th of January, in which the Free State men participated, there were returned and counted by Acting Governor Denver, assisted by Messrs. Babcock and Deitzler, President of the Council and Speaker of the House, "Against the Constitution," 10,226; "For the Constitution with Slavery," 138 j-"For the Constitution without Slavery," 23. At the election for officers under provision of the constitution, held on the same day and place with the election of the 4th of January, but with different judges and ballot-boxes, notwithstanding over 3,000 fraudulent votes were returned, 1,266 of which were from the populous city of Oxford; 729 from Shawnee, another unimportant place in Johnson county; and 1,017 fromKickapoo, all of which were counted by Calhoun, yet the entire Free State ticket, nominated at "Brown"s Cellar Kitchen Convention," was triumphantly elected by majorities over and above all these frauds, ranging from 301 to 696. The Free State party also elected 29 members of the House, to the pro-slavery 15; and 13 members of the Senate, to pro-slavery 6. With this state of affairs the people of Kansas now felt secure against the final effects of any policy that thereafter might be adopted, either in Congress or...