Brand - Assn for Computing Machinery
Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture
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Conference on the History of Medical Informatics
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Ics 95: International Conference on Supercomputing
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Proceedings of the Twelfth Acm Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
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Conference Record of Popl 2004 : The 31st Acm Sigplan-Sigact Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages: Papers Presented at the Symposium, Venice, Italy January 14-16, 2003
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Oopsla 93 Addendum: Acm Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages & Applications
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Scaling the Heights: The Future of Information Technology : Acm Sigdoc 1998 Conference
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Proceedings of the 1993 Sigmod International Conference Management of Data
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Proceedings of the Second Annual Acm Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
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Siggraph San Diego 2003: Electronic Theater Program. Video Review 144
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Sigir "89: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual International Acmsigir Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
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1985 Acm Annual Conference: The Range of Computing : Mid-80"s Perspective : October 14-16, 1985 Radisson Hotel Denver, Colorado/2 Books
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