Brand - Assn for Computing Machinery
Second Computer Supported Cooperative Work Conference Proceedings, 1988 (612880)
EAN 9789991173603 -
Issta 02: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
EAN 9781581135626 36.00 USD -
Siggraph 97: Final Program Buyers Guide
EAN 9780897919500 -
Hypertext 97: Acm Hypertext
EAN 9780897918664 -
Geographic Information Systems 2003
EAN 9781581137309 26.00 USD -
Computer Graphics
EAN 9780897914369 -
International Conference on Intelligence 2000
EAN 9781581131345 -
Acm Computer Science Conference, 1985 Proceedings
EAN 9780897911276 -
Oopsla Proceedings 1997
EAN 9780897919081 -
Proceedings: The 19th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture May 19-21, 1992 Gold Coast, Australia/92Ch3156-7 (International Symposium on Computer Architecture//Proceedings)
EAN 9780897915090 83.31 USD -
Supporting Group Work 2003
EAN 9781581136937 44.00 USD -
Computer Graphics Career Handbook
EAN 9780897913799 -
Hypertext on Hypertext: Apple Macintosh/Book and 2 Disks
EAN 9780897912815 -
EAN 9780897914741