Brand - Edward Elgar Pub
Research Handbook on European State Aid Law (Research Handbooks in European Law) (Elgar Original Reference)
EAN 9780857935533 58.50 USD -
Handbook of Industry Studies and Economic Geography (Elgar Original Reference)
EAN 9781843769613 277.88 USD -
Intellectual Property and Digital Content (Critical Concepts in Intellectual Property Law series, #6) Two Volume Set
EAN 9781781006863 729.32 USD -
International Handbook of Urban Policy, Volume 2. Issues in the Developed World
EAN 9781847204592 193.05 USD -
Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the United States: A Handbook
EAN 9780857939593 238.61 USD -
Growing the Virtual Workplace: The Integrative Value Proposition for Telework
EAN 9781847203892 133.57 USD -
Moving Towards the Virtual Workplace: Managerial and Societal Perspectives on Telework
EAN 9781843765042 126.75 USD -
Handbook of Economic Organization: Integrating Economic and Organization Theory (Elgar Original Reference)
EAN 9781849803984 281.47 USD -
Defamation Law and Social Attitudes: Ordinary Unreasonable People
EAN 9780857939432 156.00 USD -
Transnational Culture in the Internet Age (Elgar Law, Technology and Society series)
EAN 9780857931337 146.25 USD -
Competing Through Innovation: Technology Strategy and Antitrust Policies
EAN 9781847206718 146.25 USD -
Leadership in Context: The Four Faces of Capitalism (New Horizons I Leadership Studies)
EAN 9781845429539 38.44 USD -
Recent Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation
EAN 9781781005682 156.00 USD -
The Theory and Practice of Local Government Reform (Studies in Fiscal Federalilsm and State-Local Finance)
EAN 9781847202543 135.84 USD