Brand - Edward Elgar Pub
Beyond Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Legal Frameworks for the Joint Development of Hydrocarbon Resources (NUS Centre for International Law series)
EAN 9781781955932 141.38 USD -
THE ECONOMIC THEORY OF AUCTIONS Vol 1 & 2 (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series)
EAN 9781858988702 -
Monetary Policy and the Political Economy of Financial Regulation: Essays in the Tradition of Jane D"Arista
EAN 9781848443679 150.00 USD -
Improving Energy Efficiency Through Technology Trends, Investment Behaviour and Policy Design...
EAN 9781845423902 96.17 USD -
Entrepreneurship as Experience: How Events Create Ventures and Ventures Create Entrepreneurs
EAN 9781848440487 189.33 USD -
Microfoundations Reconsidered: The Relationship of Micro and Macroeconomics in Historical Perspective
EAN 9781781004098 169.98 USD -
Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches (Elgar Original Reference)
EAN 9781781001288 339.53 USD -
The International Handbook of Labour Unions: Responses to Neo-liberalism (Elgar Original Reference)
EAN 9781848448629 284.21 USD -
Theories of Money and Banking (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series)
EAN 9781848441033 821.37 USD -
Entrepreneurial Processes in a Changing Economy: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research (Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship series)
EAN 9781781004722 149.70 USD -
EU Internet Law (Elgar European Law Series)
EAN 9781845429379 107.64 USD -
A Legal Theory of Economic Power: Implications for Social and Economic Development (New Horizons in Competition Law and Economics series)
EAN 9780857931863 97.45 USD -
Legal Aspects of Digital Preservation
EAN 9781782546658 117.00 USD -
Insider Trading (Corporate Law Series)
EAN 9781849801355 355.88 USD