Brand - IMLAB
Arias Vol. 5 - Tatiana Lavrova
EAN 889254415958 17.80 USD -
Arias Vol. 5 - Tatiana Lavrova
EAN 761795415959 -
God, save the Tsar! The Hymns and Songs of the Russian Imperial Army / Bozhe, tsarya khrani! Gimny i pesni Rossijskoj Imperatorskoj Armii
EAN 889253342033 -
The Saint-Petersburg Museum of Music - Vladimir Radchenkov
EAN 889254415880 17.80 USD -
Saint-Petersburg Cossacks
EAN 889253312968 17.80 USD -
Russian Folk Songs - The "Rozhdestvo" Choir of Solo Singers of Saint-Petersburg Philharmonia
EAN 761795314726 -
Chants of the Russian Orthodox Church. Male Choir of the Valaam Institute for Choral Art, Igor Ushak
EAN 4602002227858 17.69 USD -
Masterpieces of Russian Romances of the 19th century
EAN 4607053329100 17.80 USD -
Early Recordings (1929-1938) - Sergey Lemeshev (CD)
EAN 761795485402 -
Victory Thunder, Ring Out. Songs and marches of the Russian Imperial Army (CD)
EAN 761795342149 -
Romances - Nelly Lee
EAN 4607053329223 17.80 USD -
Tzar the Craftman, the Autocrat of all Russia. (Tsar-Remeslennik - Samoderzhets Vserossijskij)
EAN 4607087281115 -
V. Andreev Russian Balalaika Orchestra (Boris Shtokolov, bass)
EAN 761795229662 17.80 USD -
Bach, Handel, Purcell - Sophia Preobrazhenskaya (mezzo-soprano) (CD)
EAN 889254343930 17.80 USD