God, save the Tsar! The Hymns and Songs of the Russian Imperial Army / Bozhe, tsarya khrani! Gimny i pesni Rossijskoj Imperatorskoj Armii
1. God, Save the Tsar! 2. Oh, mighty Tsar! 3. Capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible 4. Rejoice, Russian Land 5. Forward, blue uhlans! 6. We all remember uncle Korennoi 7. Glad to please with darling song 8. Daring regiments of Russia 9. Hussar"s songs are high spirited 10. Where are the friends of the years passed? 11. God, love the Tsar! 12. The legend of prophet Oleg 13. Once more we have donned our father"s colors 14. Everyone remembers the famous feats 15. Oh, Napoleon! 16. We glorify Platov the hero! 17. You are coming back, the blessed Tsar! 18. Calm down, the wild winds 19. Varyag 20. Russian soldier 21. What lovely songs! 22. Many years. The Male choir of the "Valaam" Institute for Choral Art. Director Igor Ushakov. Recorded in 1997.