Brand - Pambazuka Press
Earth Grab: Geopiracy, the New Biomassters and Capturing Climate Genes
EAN 9780857490445 23.54 USD -
Confronting Female Genital Mutilation: The Role of Youth and ICTs in Changing Africa
EAN 9780857490315 22.50 USD -
Africa\"s Liberation: The Legacy of Nyerere
EAN 9781906387716 16.95 USD -
Reclaiming African History
EAN 9781906387983 18.10 USD -
Chinese and African Perspectives on China in Africa
EAN 9781906387334 25.16 USD -
From Citizen to Refugee: Uganda Asians Come to Britain
EAN 9781906387570 24.61 USD -
Experiments with Peace: Celebrating Peace on Johan Galtung"s 80th Birthday
EAN 9780857490193 31.15 USD -
Dust from Our Eyes: An Unblinkered Look at Africa
EAN 9780857490247 -
China & Angola: A Marriage of Convenience?
EAN 9780857491077 26.53 USD -
African Women Writing Resistance: An Anthology of Contemporary Voices
EAN 9780857490209 27.31 USD