Chinese and African Perspectives on China in Africa

Price 25.16 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781906387334

The deepening engagement of China in Africa since the end of the cold war has led to debates about the evolving nature of this relationship, yet the focus of analysis has largely been confined to the interactions between states. Little attention has been paid to the growing dialogue between Chinese and African civil society organizations. This collection of essays written by scholars and activists explores the interaction between African and Chinese nonstate actors and argues that the future of Africa-China relations rests on including such voices if a robust and vibrant engagement and a meaningful relationship are to be sustained. These essays assess China"s activities in Africa through patterns of investment, legal cooperation, effects on the environment, trade, aid and labor links, questions of peace, security and stability, the African Union response, possible regulatory interventions, and the future strengthening of an Africa-China dialogue.