Brand - Crc Pr I Llc
Tool Steels: Properties and Performance
EAN 9781439881712 179.29 USD -
The Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete
EAN 9780415513012 -
International Approaches and Standards for Public Administration Education and Training (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy)
EAN 9781439872291 -
Biological Sensing and Monitoring for Wastewaters
EAN 9781587161063 -
Crisis in the South: Crime and Terrorism in Latin America and Implications for U.S. Security
EAN 9781466569799 66.21 USD -
Analysis of Concrete Structures by Fracture Mechanics: Proceedings of a RILEM Workshop dedicated to Professor Arne Hillerborg, Abisko, Sweden 1989
EAN 9780415513043 -
Interactions of Anticancer Agents With Nucleic Acids
EAN 9780849376702 -
The Handbook of Transplantation Management (Medical Intelligence Unit)
EAN 9781879702066 52.00 USD -
Optical Fabrication Technologies (Optical Science and Engineering Series)
EAN 9780824723576 -
The Cybercrime Desk Reference: The Complete Computer Crime Guide for Investigators
EAN 9781439834428 -
The Changing Role of the City/County Manager (Public Administration and Public Policy)
EAN 9781439830369 -
Effective Public Management in Developing Countries: A Tools-Based Approach (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy)
EAN 9781439844588 -
Microelectric Design of Fuzzy Logic-Based Systems (Crc Press International Series on Computational Intelligence)
EAN 9780849306334 55.62 USD -
Pollution and the Protection of Water Quality
EAN 9780891163312