Brand - Univ of Massachusetts Pr
The Amateur Wind Instrument Maker
EAN 9780870233128 14.61 USD -
The Athens of America: Boston, 1825-1845
EAN 9781558495241 59.41 USD -
The Postal Confessions
EAN 9780870239823 15.93 USD -
Invisible Enemies: The American War on Vietnam, 1975-2000 (Culture, Politics, and the Cold War)
EAN 9781558496095 23.35 USD -
Who Deserves to Die?: Constructing the Executable Subject
EAN 9781558498822 95.67 USD -
The Reverend Jacob Bailey, Maine Loyalist: For God, King, Country, and for Self
EAN 9781558499416 73.66 USD -
The Stowe Debate: Rhetorical Strategies in Uncle Tom"s Cabin
EAN 9780870239526 24.97 USD -
Captors and Captives: The 1704 French and Indian Raid on Deerfield (Native Americans of the Northeast) (Native Americans of the Northeast: Culture, History, & the Contemporary)
EAN 9781558494190 51.05 USD -
Passing Time: Memoir of a Vietnam Veteran Against the War
EAN 9780870239588 24.93 USD -
WAR STARS: The Superweapon and the American Imagination
EAN 9781558496514 26.98 USD -
First Language (Juniper Prize Winner, 1989)
EAN 9780870237003 12.14 USD -
Joint Enterprises: Collaborative Drama and the Institutionalization of the English Renaissance Theater (Massachusetts Studies in Early Modern Culture)
EAN 9781558494343 34.94 USD -
Vulgarity and Authenticity: Dimensions of Otherness in the World of Jean-Paul Sartre
EAN 9780870238680 22.59 USD -
The Lowell Experiment: Public History in a Postindustrial City
EAN 9781558495470 23.83 USD