Brand - Univ of Massachusetts Pr
Fugitive"s Gibraltar: Escaping Slaves and Abolitionism in New Bedford, Massachusetts
EAN 9781558497603 35.26 USD -
Robert E. Sherwood: The Playwright in Peace and War
EAN 9781558496194 29.37 USD -
Law and Liberty in Early New England: Criminal Justice and Due Process, 1620-1692
EAN 9781558497726 28.21 USD -
Creating Rosie the Riveter: Class, Gender, and Propaganda during World War II
EAN 9780870234446 23.35 USD -
The Dispossessed: An Anatomy of Exile (Collaborations)
EAN 9781558494657 97.57 USD -
Heart of the Ngoni: Heroes of the African Kingdom of Segu
EAN 9780870239298 20.54 USD -
Rhetorical Republic: Government Representation in American Politics
EAN 9780870238475 23.14 USD -
The Dragon"s Tail: Americans Face the Atomic Age (Culture, Politics, and the Cold War)
EAN 9781558497269 87.44 USD -
Postmortem: New Evidence in the Case of Sacco and Vanzetti
EAN 9780870234798 21.94 USD -
The Dance of the Comedians: The People, the President, and the Performance of Political Standup Comedy in America
EAN 9781558497337 33.17 USD -
History of the "Atlantic Monthly," 1857-1909
EAN 9781558497931 32.91 USD -
Curious Naturalists
EAN 9780870234569 23.25 USD -
Romantic Cyborgs
EAN 9781558497467 28.92 USD -
Archibald Macleish: Reflections
EAN 9780870236235 22.79 USD