Brand - Wesleyan University Press
Shades (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
EAN 9780819511379 14.99 USD -
Full Summer (Wesleyan Poetry Program)
EAN 9780819520951 -
In the Wake of Theory
EAN 9780819562548 -
Impossible Dance: Club Culture and Queer World-Making
EAN 9780819564986 20.36 USD -
Shadow Distance: A Gerald Vizenor Reader
EAN 9780819552778 -
Ships and Fleets of the Ancient Mediterranean
EAN 9780819550552 -
Plain Folk and Gentry in a Slave Society: White Liberty and Black Slavery in Augusta"s Hinterlands
EAN 9780819561633 24.72 USD -
To the Quick (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
EAN 9780819551566 -
It Is If I Speak (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
EAN 9780819563903 14.54 USD -
The Birth-mark: unsettling the wilderness in American literary history
EAN 9780819562630 18.84 USD -
The One in the Many: A Poet"s Memoirs
EAN 9780819552112 -
Stealing the Fire: The Art and Protest of James Baldwin
EAN 9780819551979 -
Global Cultures: A Transnational Short Fiction Reader
EAN 9780819552785 -
Liberazione della donna: Feminism in Italy
EAN 9780819551337