Brand - Wesleyan University Press
Conflict of Light and Wind: The Spanish Generation of 1927 and the Ideology of Poetic Form (Wesleyan paperback)
EAN 9780819552198 -
Claiming Kin (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
EAN 9780819510839 14.19 USD -
Zither & Autobiography (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
EAN 9780819564764 33.65 USD -
Loose Sugar (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
EAN 9780819522429 -
Loose Sugar
EAN 9780585371535 -
Angora Matta: Fatal Acts of North-South Translation (Music Culture)
EAN 9780819565983 69.67 USD -
On the Way to the Island (Wesleyan Poetry Program)
EAN 9780819520074 -
Metal, Rock, and Jazz: Perception and the Phenomenology of Musical Experience (Music Culture)
EAN 9780819563712 65.09 USD -
Phat Beats, Dope Rhymes: Hip Hop Down Under Comin" Upper (Music Culture)
EAN 9780819566379 -
The Slave Question: Liberty and Property in South Africa
EAN 9780819552211 -
Breathless: Sound Recording, Disembodiment, and the Transformation of Lyrical Nostalgia
EAN 9780819565921 18.95 USD -
The Birth-mark: unsettling the wilderness in American literary history
EAN 9780819552563 47.40 USD -
There Are Three: Poems (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
EAN 9780819522467 36.95 USD -
Up to Speed (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
EAN 9780819566973