Brand - Praeger Publishers Inc
Battles Without Bullets: Civil War Re-enactment and American Culture
EAN 9780275987008 -
Dialogue with B.F. Skinner (Dialogues in contemporary psychology series)
EAN 9780030599224 59.13 USD -
Civil Aviation Development: a Policy and Operations Analysis
EAN 9780275286057 -
American Silver: History of Style, 1650-1900 (American decorative arts series)
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Frontier Development Policy in Brazil: A Study of Amazonia
EAN 9780030470912 59.88 USD -
Copyright Law in the Soviet Union (Praeger special studies in international politics and government)
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Cuban Refugee Problem: Coping with Adolescent Refugees
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Politics and Public Policy in Kenya and Tanzania
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Pension and Institutional Portfolio Management (Praeger special studies in U.S. economic, social, and political issues)
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Planning-programming-budgeting System in Three Federal Agencies (Praeger special studies in U.S. economic and social development)
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The American Market for Manufactures Exports from the Developing Countries
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Trade with China (Praeger special studies in international economics and development)
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Economics of Nuclear and Coal Power (Praeger special studies in U.S. economic, social, and political issues)
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Political Parties in Turkey: Role of Islam
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