Brand - Praeger Publishers Inc
Sea Power in the Falklands
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Development Planning in Ireland
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American Foreign Policy: The Lost Consensus
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Minorities in the United States Institutions of Higher Education (Praeger special studies in U.S. economic, social, and political issues)
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Sino-American Normalization and Its Policy Implications
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Communications and Public Opinion (Praeger special studies in U.S. economic, social, and political issues)
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Life Styles and Consumer Behaviour of Older Americans
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Soviet Foreign Policy Towards Western Europe
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Regional Unemployment and the Relocation of Workers
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Freight Transportation (Praeger special studies in U.S. economic and social development)
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Research on Foreign Students and International Study: An Overview and Bibliography
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The Function of Accounting in Economic Development: Turkey as a Case Study
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The Caliphate: Threat or Opportunity? (Praeger Security International)
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Political Development in Eastern Europe (Praeger special studies in international politics and government)
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