Brand - Aspatore Books
IP Client Strategies in the Middle East and Africa: Leading Lawyers on Understanding Recent Developments and Proposed Changes, Managing Client ... Influences on IP Law (Inside the Minds)
EAN 9780314907288 124.11 USD -
Deal Teams: The Roles and Motivations of Management Team Members, Investment Bankers, Venture Capitalists and Lawyers in Negotiations, Mergers, Acquisitions and Equity Investments
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Strategies for Family Law in New York, 2011 ed.: Leading Lawyers on Counseling Clients, Understanding the New No-Fault Divorce Laws, and Resolving Maintenance and Custody Issues (Inside the Minds)
EAN 9780314275677 80.75 USD -
Antitrust Dispute Resolution: Leading Lawyers on Best Practices for Resolving Antitrust Matters through Negotiations (Inside the Minds)
EAN 9781596227118 -
Implementing a Six Sigma Tier Process to Identify Key Metrics that Drive the Business (Executive Reports)
EAN 9781596225749 -
Real Life Financial Planning with Case Studies: An Easy-to-Understand System to Organize Your Financial Plan and Prioritize Financial Decisions (Real Life Book)
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Management Best Practices for VC-Backed Companies: CEOs of Venture Capital-Backed Companies on the Fundraising Process, Company Growth, and Key Challenges for the Management Team (Inside the Minds)
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Technology Leadership Strategies: Leading Technology Executives on Building Strategic Partnerships, Delivering Effective Solutions, and Managing Change (Inside the Minds)
EAN 9780314278883 66.50 USD -
Estate Planning Client Strategies, 2012 ed.: Leading Lawyers on Navigating Recent Legislation and Understanding Its Impact on Estate Plans (Inside the Minds)
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Litigation Strategies for Intellectual Property Cases, 2012 ed.: Leading Lawyers on Analyzing Key Decisions and Effectively Litigating IP Cases (Inside the Minds)
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Technology Strategies for Law Firms: Leading CTOs and CIOs on Defining Firm Expectations, Purchasing New Technologies & Working with Lawyers (Inside the Minds)
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The Art of Witness Preparation: How to Prepare Your Witnesses to Testify Effectively at Civil Trials, Hearings, and Depositions
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White Collar Law Client Strategies: Leading Lawyers on Representing Corporations and Individuals in White Collar Criminal Matters (Inside the Minds)
EAN 9781596227613 -
Seed-Stage Venture Investing, 2nd Edition: An Insider"s Guide to Start-Ups for Scientists, Engineers, and Investors
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