Implementing a Six Sigma Tier Process to Identify Key Metrics that Drive the Business (Executive Reports)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781596225749

This 10-page research report written for Human Resources features strategies for process improvement through the use of metrics. Using a Six Sigma Tier Process Characterization (TPC) method, the author identifies key processes and metrics designed to provide support for a business. Also identified are the benefits derived from TPC and the use of metrics, along with a series of steps used to address project selection questions. Other topics include talent management; process thinking versus organizational thinking; quick hits; support system for new hires; product performance; customer satisfaction; and internal and external benchmarks. This Executive Report is written by: Thomas J. Lynch, Vice President of Compensation & Rose Condon, Master Black Belt, Ceridian About Executive Reports: Executive Reports offer focused, hard-hitting advice from the leaders of some of America"s top companies, packaged in a concise, readable format. Each research report provides readers with 3 to 5 strategies that will have a direct financial impact on their business. While not meant as a comprehensive guide, each report includes quick-hit items that can immediately impact specific business strategies. Executive authors drill down to the central issues surrounding each topic area and dispense expert advice in concise, direct language. Executive Reports feature leading professionals selected by the Aspatore Editorial Board based on their experience, research, and standing within the professional community.