Brand - Willan Publishing (UK)
Policing Images
EAN 9781903240717 127.95 USD -
Selling Security
EAN 9781843920496 136.96 USD -
Burglary (Crime and Society Series)
EAN 9781903240335 97.82 USD -
Rape: Challenging Contemporary Thinking
EAN 9781843925200 46.85 USD -
Handbook on Crime (Hardcover)
EAN 9781843923725 149.08 USD -
Crime and Justice 1750-1950
EAN 9781843921165 50.09 USD -
A New Response to Youth Crime
EAN 9781843927549 51.29 USD -
Questioning Crime and Criminology
EAN 9781843921271 110.14 USD -
Analysing Women"s Imprisonment
EAN 9781843920700 117.58 USD -
Policing: Key Readings
EAN 9781843920922 148.31 USD -
Youth Justice Handbook: Theory, Policy and Practice
EAN 9781843927174 96.18 USD -
Forensic Psychology: Concepts, Debates and Practice
EAN 9781843924142 49.86 USD -
Out of Sight (Crime Ethnography)
EAN 9781843921967 117.94 USD -
Researching Crime and Justice: Tales from the Field
EAN 9781843923176 123.20 USD