Brand - Willan Publishing (UK)
Violence at Work
EAN 9781903240625 128.63 USD -
Comparative Criminal Justice
EAN 9781843920311 38.10 USD -
Prison Readings
EAN 9781843921493 114.45 USD -
Psychology and Crime
EAN 9781843922605 108.34 USD -
Offender Profiling and Crime Analysis
EAN 9781903240229 123.68 USD -
Policing Public Disorder
EAN 9781843922346 120.07 USD -
EC Competition Law and Policy
EAN 9781903240755 96.37 USD -
Inventing Fear of Crime
EAN 9781843921752 112.77 USD -
Gender, Drugs and Street Life: An Ethnography of a British Housing Estate: Young People, Gender and Neighbourhood Drug Markets (Routledge Advances in Ethnography)
EAN 9781843922063 126.08 USD -
Doing Prison Work
EAN 9781843920359 105.14 USD -
Crime: Local and Global
EAN 9781843925163 44.60 USD -
Dealing with Disaffection
EAN 9781843920656 47.41 USD -
Changing Attitudes to Punishment
EAN 9781843920038 113.59 USD -
Young People, Crime and Justice
EAN 9781843923688 98.88 USD