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The church at work in college and university
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Cromwell in Ireland; a history of Cromwell"s Irish campaign
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An elementary text-book of the microscope; including a description of the methods of preparing and mounting objects, etc
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The girlhood of Shakespeare"s heroines in a series of tales Volume 1
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The business of pawnbroking; a guide and a defence
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A history of West Gower, Glamorganshire Volume 1
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Life on the old plantation in ante-bellum days; or, A story based on facts Volume 2
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Urea and other nonprotein nitrogen compounds in animal nutrition
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History of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Ventura counties, California Volume 1
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A commentary on the New Testament Volume 4
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The treasury of David; containing an original exposition of the Book of Psalms; a collection of illustrative extracts from the whole range of ... every verse; and lists of writers Volume 1
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In the Beginning, and the Adamic Earth, an Exposition of Genesis I.-II. 3
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Scrap metals; study of iron and steel old material, its preparation and markets
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