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Records and briefs of the United States Supreme Court
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The miscellany of the Spalding club Volume 5
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Memoir of Roger Williams; the founder of the state of Rhode-Island
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Your psychic powers and how to develop them
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Memorials of Capt.n Hedley Vicars,97th Regiment
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The works of that learned and judicious divine, Mr. Richard Hooker Volume 2
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India under British rule from the foundation of the East India company
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An outline of the principles of modern theosophy
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The French and Italian Note-Books
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The memoirs of captain George Carleton, and The life and adventures of mrs. Christian Davies
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The history of Josiah, the young king of Judah
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The Buddhist Tripitaka as it is known in China and Japan; a catalogue and compendious report
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Five Italian shrines; an account of the monumental tombs of S. Augustine at Pavia, S. Dominic at Bologna, S. Peter Martyr at Milan, S. Donato at ... with a prefatory essay on Tuscan sculpture
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