Brand - Proquest, Eebo Editions
Eikon basilike the pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings: together with his private prayers used in the time of his ... London, immediately before his death. (1649)
EAN 9781240417001 25.64 USD -
The actors vindication containing three brief treatises, viz., I. Their antiquity, II. Their antient dignity, III. The true use of their quality / written by Thomas Heywood. (1658)
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Briefe introductions, both naturall, pleasant, and delectable vnto the arte of chiromancy, or manuell diuination, and phisiognomy with circumsta[n]ces vpon the faces of the signes. (1598)
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A defence of Arch-bishop Usher against Dr. Cary and Dr. Isaac Vossius together with an introduction concerning the uncertainty of chronology ... / by John Milner. (1694)
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Sweete thoughtes of Jesus and Marie or Meditations for all the feastes of our B. Saviour and his B. Mother And for the most part of their octaves. (1658)
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A protestation of the most high and mighty Prince Charles Lodowicke, Count Palatine of the Rhine, archidapifer, and prince elector of the sacred ... & translated out of the High-Dutch ... (1637)
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A short introduction of grammar Compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latine tongue. (1661)
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Ethica, sive, Summa moralis disciplinae in tres partes divisa / authore Fr. Eustachio As. Paulo; cum duplici indice locupletissimo. (1677)
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Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLV, or, an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1655 ... (1654)
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Advice to a friend (1673)
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Don Carlos, Prince of Spain a Tragedy: As It Was Acted at the Duke"s Theatre / Written by Tho. Otway. (1695) (Paperback) - Common
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Articles to be enquired of in the diocesse of Salisburie, in the first visitation of the Reuerend Father in God, Robert Lord Bishop of Sarum (1620)
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Mr. John Miltons Character of the Long Parliament and Assembly of Divines in MDCXLI omitted in his other works and never before printed ... (1681)
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A funeral sermon on the death of Mrs. Mary Paice, late wife of Mr. Joseph Paice, merchant of Clapham, who died April 8th, 1700 by Edmund Batson. (1700)
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