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A Compendious View of the Late Tumults & Troubles in This Kingdom by Way of Annals for Seven Years Viz, from the Beginning of the 30th to the End of
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Statuta de an. xxvi. Henrici. viij Here after foloweth an abbrydgement of the statutes, made in the parlyament holden in the xxvi. yere of kyng Henry the eyght. (1537)
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A treatise of policy and religion. containing instructions to a young statist / written about 100 years since by Thomas Fitzerbert. Part II (1697)
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A sermon preacht at St. George"s Church at Windsor Septemb. 27. 1685. By Edward Pelling, chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Somerset. Printed by order. (1685)
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A Second part of Spanish practises, or, A Relation of more particular wicked plots, and cruell, in humane, perfidious, and vnnaturall practises of the ... deliuered to the Kings Maiesty (1624)
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The summe of the Holy Scripture and ordynacye of the Chrysten teachynge, the true Chrysten fayth by the whiche we be al iustifyed, and of the vertue ... after the teachyng of the gospel (1538)
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Hemerologeion ad annum secumdum post intercalarom, or, A revolutionall description of the second year after the bissextile, or leap-year, being the ... of the luminaries and other planets (1654)
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Sr. Hercules Buffoon, or, The poetical squire a comedy, as it was acted at the Duke"s Theatre / written by John Lacy ... (1684)
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The second part of Mr. Clavde"s answer to Monsieur de Meavx"s book, intituled, A conference with Mr. Claude, & containing an examination of M. de ... on a writing of Mr. Claude"s. (1688)
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A sermon preached before the king on Tuesday, June 20th. 1665 being the day of solemn thanksgiving for the late victory at sea / by J. Dolben ... (1665)
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Aulus Persius Flaccus his Satires translated into English, by Barten Holyday Mr of Arts, and student of Christ-Church in Oxford (1616)
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Later newes from Ireland concerning the late treacherous action, and rebellion, of Sir Carey Adoughertie, and Felli Me Reeah Mack Dauy (1608)
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The four last things viz. death, judgment, heaven, hell, practically considered and applyed in several discourses / by William Bates. (1691)
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News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1691 with observations upon the eclipses, solar ingresses and configurations of heaven happening ... from the bissextile, or leap year (1691)
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