Brand - Society for Mining Metallurgy & Exploration
Sme Transactions
EAN 9780873352031 -
Plant Operators" Forum
EAN 873351568 -
Proceedings of: Topical Conference on Ferritic Alloys for Use in Nuclear Energy Technologies, 1983 (Technology of Metallurgy Series, Vol 6)
EAN 9780895204585 62.58 USD -
Transactions: Volume 320 (Transactions (Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc))
EAN 9780873352550 -
Precious Metals: Mining, Extraction and Processing (Conference Proceedings / Metallurgical Society of AIME)
EAN 9780895204691 -
RETC Proceedings 1997
EAN 9780873351485 -
North American Tunneling 2008 Proceedings
EAN 9780873352635 183.36 USD -
Fracture: Interactions of Microstructures, Mechanisms and Mechanics
EAN 9780895204844 90.89 USD -
Improving & Optimizing Operations: Things That Actually Work! (Plant Operators" Forum)
EAN 9780873352352