Improving & Optimizing Operations: Things That Actually Work! (Plant Operators" Forum)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780873352352

After a number of difficult years for the minerals industry, it seems apparent that the industry could now be poised for growth and expansion. Although welcomed, this expansion will present a new set of challenges to the business. By focusing on solving real-life problems, presented in real-life terms, this Plant Operator"s Forum addresses some of the most challenging topics and issues that mining companies face. Because the program was developed to benefit the operators, we go beyond industry jargon and explore topics such as "How the Mine Department Lies About Production and How the Metallurgist Catches Them," "Does the Right Hand Know That the Left Hand Is Mining?" and "How to Sell R&D in Your Organization--Without Begging." The overall content is designed to tackle three major areas of focus--People, Processes, and Technology.