Brand - Orbis Books (USA)
Toward a Theology of Struggle
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EAN 9780883441114 -
Ethics and the Theology of Liberation
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The Greening of the Church
EAN 9780883446942 18.00 USD -
Building a Just Society: A Different Viewpoint
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Sharing Faith Across the Hemisphere
EAN 9781570751325 -
Christian Political Theology : A Marxian Guide
EAN 9780883440605 -
China as a Model of Development
EAN 9780883440513 -
Jesus, Symbol of God
EAN 9781570752476 -
Eastern paths and the Christian way
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The Church in the Midst of Creation
EAN 9780883443668 12.60 USD -
Jesus Symbol of God
EAN 9781570753114 30.51 USD -
Exorcizing Evil: A Womanist Perspective on the Spirituals (Bishop Henry McNeal Turner/Sojourner Truth Series in Black Religion)
EAN 9781570751462 19.41 USD -
Liberation and Reconciliation: A Black Theology
EAN 9780883449516 18.48 USD