Brand - Wharton School Publishing
Entrepreneurial Solutions for Prosperity in BoP Markets: Strategies for Business and Economic Transformation
EAN 9780137079261 24.50 USD -
Change to Strange: Create a Great Organization by Building a Strange Workforce
EAN 9780131572225 36.11 USD -
The Well Timed Strategy: Managing the Business Cycle for Competitive Advantage
EAN 9780131494206 39.81 USD -
Success Built to Last: Creating a Life that Matters
EAN 9780132287517 22.99 USD -
Marketing in the Public Sector: A Roadmap for Improved Performance
EAN 9780131875159 -
Wealth: Grow It, Protect It, Spend It, and Share It
EAN 9780132366793 28.56 USD -
CEO of Me: Creating a Life That Works in the Flexible Job Age (paperback)
EAN 9780132480581 20.84 USD -
Know What You Don"t Know: How Great Leaders Prevent Problems Before They Happen
EAN 9780131568150 26.85 USD -
Nightly Business Report Presents Lasting Leadership: What You Can Learn from the Top 25 Business People of our Times
EAN 9780131877306 18.48 USD