Tag - Mesopotamia
The First Empires (The Making of the Past)
EAN 9780729000420 -
Persepolis: The Archaeology of Parsa, Seat of the Persian Kings
EAN 9780878500628 30.49 USD -
The Archaeology of Mesopotamia: From the Old Stone Age to the Persian Conquest (World of archaeology)
EAN 9780500790090 11.95 USD -
Persians: Masters of the Empire (Lost Civilizations)
EAN 9780809491049 29.95 USD -
The Assyrian Empire (World History Series)
EAN 9781560063131 19.96 USD -
Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent (Looking Back)
EAN 9780817254346 28.54 USD -
Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia (Historical Dictionaries of Ancient Civilizations and Historical Eras)
EAN 9780810861824 87.75 USD -
Ur\" of the Chaldees\": A Revised and Updated Edition of Sir Leonard Woolley\"s Excavations at Ur
EAN 9780801415180 29.95 USD -
Democracy\"s Ancient Ancestors: Mari and Early Collective Governance
EAN 9781107404939 40.95 USD -
Correspondence of the Kings of Ur: Epistolary History of an Ancient Mesopotamian Kingdom
EAN 9781575061948 85.03 USD -
From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire
EAN 9781575060316 79.50 USD -
The Social Context of Technological Change in Egypt and the Near East, 1650-1550 BC
EAN 9781842170502 60.00 USD -
The Aura of Kings: Legitimacy and Divine Sanction in Iranian Kingship (Bibliotheca Iranica: Intellectual Traditions Series)
EAN 9781568591094 34.12 USD -
Epics of Early Civilization: Myths of the Ancient Near East (Myth and Mankind)
EAN 34406035533 29.95 USD