Tag - Mesopotamia
The Persian Empire
EAN 9780805238464 30.00 USD -
The Might that Was Assyria (Great Civilizations Series) (Great civilization series)
EAN 9780283989612 -
First Civilizations: Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition)
EAN 9781904768784 34.08 USD -
Iranians in Achaemenid Babylonia (Columbia Lectures on Iranian Studies)
EAN 9780939214990 35.00 USD -
Ancient Mesopotamia (Let\"s See Library: Ancient Civilizations)
EAN 9780756502942 20.15 USD -
Early Civilizations of the Old World: The Formative Histories of Egypt, The Levant, Mesopotamia, India and China
EAN 9780415109758 146.25 USD -
Riches Hidden in Secret Places: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Memory of Thorkild Jacobsen
EAN 9781575060613 58.02 USD -
Babylon, next to Nineveh: Where the world began
EAN 9780590074384 -
The Friendship of the Barbarians: Xenophon and the Persians
EAN 9780874513226 30.00 USD -
Foundations in the Dust: Story of Mesopotamian Exploration
EAN 9780500050385 -
Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization
EAN 9781848871571 22.00 USD -
Greeks and Parthians in Mesopotamia and Beyond, 331 BC-AD 224
EAN 9780715639474 27.25 USD -
Dura-Europos: The Ancient City and the Yale Collection
EAN 9780894670220 3.00 USD -
Nebuchadrezzar and Babylon (Schweich Lectures of the British Academy 1983)
EAN 9780197261002 60.00 USD