Tag - Термодинамика и статистическая физика
The Finite Element Method in Heat Transfer Analysis
EAN 9780471943624 103.19 USD -
Gasoline Additives (Gasoline Oxygenates): Vapor-Liquid Equilibria and Thermodynamic properties of Gasoline Additives (Ethers and Alcohols) Systems
EAN 9783659160394 101.96 USD -
General method for the analysis of cogeneration systems: Mathematical model and examples
EAN 9783844323009 80.14 USD -
Teplofizicheskie i termodinamicheskie svoystva rastitel"nykh masel: Monografiya (Russian Edition)
EAN 9783848486496 105.53 USD -
Thermal Analysis of Induction Cooktops: A comparison of theoretical & experimental model to calculate the thermal efficiency of induction cooktops
EAN 9783659223082 78.45 USD -
Misconceptions and errors in thermodynamics / Zabluzhdeniya i oshibki v termodinamike
EAN 9785354003914 3.79 USD -
Второе начало термодинамики
EAN 9785397044639 9.09 USD -
Caos y autoorganización
EAN 9785836004736 11.48 USD -
Mathematical analysis of selected problems from fluid thermomechanics: The (p-q) coupled fluid-energy systems
EAN 9783844315356 92.48 USD -
Termodinamicheskie svojstva 65 elementov, ih okislov, galogenidov, karbidov i nitridov
EAN 9785458445641 8.29 USD -
Investigation of Thermal Performances of Cu and CNTs Nanofluids
EAN 9783659387838 48.07 USD -
Основы термодинамики и теплотехники. Учебник
EAN 9785971012795 13.36 USD -
Основы термодинамики и теплотехники. Учебник
EAN 9785971012306 6.38 USD -
Equivocaciones y errores en la termodinámica
EAN 9785484003181 11.48 USD