Tag - Энергетика. Электротехника
Биоэнергетика. Мир и Россия. Биогаз. Теория и практика. Монография
EAN 9785436501550 26.84 USD -
Polnyy spravochnik po elektrooborudovaniyu i elektrotehnike. S primerami raschetov
EAN 9785406048429 18.70 USD -
Parametric Average Value Model of Rectifiers
EAN 9783848438853 51.26 USD -
Compact modeling of spintronic devices: A physical description of spin-based transistors for electronic applications
EAN 9783848492749 81.01 USD -
GaN/GaInN Light Emitting Diodes Embedded with Wire-Grid Polarizers: Calculation, optimization, and fabrication of a wire-grid polarizer using electron-beam lithography
EAN 9783847337867 66.89 USD -
Electromagnetic Modeling of Reflectarray Antennas: Modeling of Re-configurable (Electronically Tunable by RF-MEMS Switches) and Non-reconfigurable Microstrip Reflectarrays
EAN 9783847374855 80.01 USD -
Power System Protection and Coordination: In the Presence of Distributed Generators
EAN 9783847333234 92.42 USD -
Transmission Line Integrated Protection and Auto-Reclosure Scheme: Transmission Line Protection and Auto-Reclosure Scheme
EAN 9783847311898 106.75 USD -
Novel high frequency model of transformers of electronic devices: Development of a novel regular, high frequency modell for small size transformers
EAN 9783846525784 67.39 USD -
Optical Modulation:: by Controlling the Charge State of Deep Impurity Levels in Silicon
EAN 9783846586723 108.25 USD -
Radar Absorbing Materials and Microwave Shielding Structures Design: By using Multilayer Composite Materials, Nanomaterials and Evolutionary Computation
EAN 9783846559390 108.25 USD -
Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer Analysis: Dissertation
EAN 9783846532706 95.92 USD -
Modeling of Electromagnetic Behavior and Local Temperature Increase: in Human Tissues
EAN 9783846539552 68.89 USD -
Nonlinear Interactions of femtosecond pulses with transparent media: Third order nonlinear optical phenomenon in glasses, crystals and organic molecules
EAN 9783846528716 111.25 USD