Tag - Regulation
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18, Conservation of Power and Water Resources, Pt. 400-End, Revised as of April 1, 2007
EAN 9780160782275 26.09 USD -
Economics of Regulation and Antitrust
EAN 9780262220750 74.98 USD -
Taking Your Company Public, A Corporate Strategies Manual (New Renaissance Series on Corporate Strategies)
EAN 9780989146708 13.86 USD -
Covenants Not to Compete, 8th Edition (3-Volume Set)
EAN 9781617460432 741.55 USD -
Consumer Law in a Nutshell (NUTSHELL SERIES)
EAN 9780829921304 19.95 USD -
Enterprise, Government, and the Public
EAN 9780070680296 82.40 USD -
An Introduction to the Regulation of the Petroleum Industry:Laws, Contracts and Conventions (International Energy & Resources Law & Policy)
EAN 9781859660812 224.25 USD -
The Export Control and Embargo Handbook
EAN 9780195391510 172.49 USD -
The Book on PPMs: Regulation D Rule 504 Edition (New Renaissance Series on Corporate Strategies) (Volume 3)
EAN 9780989146777 14.65 USD -
Deregulating Telecommunications
EAN 9780847698240 110.17 USD -
Law in Cyber Space (Pt. 1, Pt. 2)
EAN 9780850926583 15.68 USD -
Telecommunication Policy for the Information Age: From Monopoly to Competition
EAN 9780674873261 30.03 USD -
NASD Arbitration Solution: Five Black Belt Principles to Protect and Grow Your Financial Services Practice
EAN 9780470126325 49.58 USD -
Covenants Not to Compete, 5th Edition (Complete Set)
EAN 9781570185748 610.00 USD