Enterprise, Government, and the Public

Price 82.40 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780070680296

This mainstream text for undergraduate or MBA level courses deals with government regulation of economic activity in the US. While addressing all of the standard topic areas in this field, the book brings the discussion up-to-date with coverage of such topics as public choice analysis and transaction cost economics. It presents a balanced view of the role of government regulation, recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of the public sector. Readers are provided with the institutional knowledge they need, as well as gaining an analytical understanding of the way the world really works. Theories are applied to real-world industries in case studies throughout the book, particularly in two chapters completely devoted to industry studies on economic regulation (ch. 14 - 15). The book also contains a wealth of illustrative material, including many lengthy "vignettes" that bring the analytics to life for students. Also available is an instructor"s manual (0-07-068030-2).