Tag - Non-US Legal Systems
Nations and Government: Comparative Politics in Regional Perspective
EAN 9780495915287 144.47 USD -
Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century: A Middle Way between West and East
EAN 9780745659732 17.08 USD -
Understanding the European Union: A Concise Introduction, Fourth Edition (European Union (Paperback Adult))
EAN 9780230201026 39.00 USD -
The Naked Socialist
EAN 9780910558730 21.20 USD -
Introduction to Comparative Government, Update
EAN 9780618917884 172.00 USD -
World Politics: The Menu for Choice
EAN 9781111772017 167.22 USD -
China Dreams: 20 Visions of the Future
EAN 9780199896400 28.45 USD -
The Cost of Living
EAN 9780375756146 12.95 USD -
Governing States and Localities
EAN 9781604267280 107.71 USD -
AP U.S. & Comparative Government & Politics (REA) - The Best Test Prep for the A: 8th Edition (Advanced Placement (AP) Test Preparation)
EAN 9780738600468 18.95 USD -
Rock the Casbah: Rage and Rebellion Across the Islamic World with a new concluding chapter by the author
EAN 9781439103173 14.84 USD -
European Politics in Transition
EAN 9780618870783 163.68 USD -
Politics in a Changing World
EAN 9781111832537 176.97 USD -
Mirror for the Muslim Prince: Islam and the Theory of Statecraft (Modern Intellectual and Political History of the Middle East)
EAN 9780815632894 46.04 USD