Tag - Non-US Legal Systems
Introduction to Comparative Politics
EAN 9780547216294 213.25 USD -
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics (Oxford Handbooks of Political Science)
EAN 9780199566020 50.61 USD -
Europe Today: A Twenty-first Century Introduction
EAN 9780742567733 53.52 USD -
The United Nations and Changing World Politics
EAN 9780813344355 49.00 USD -
Secularism and State Policies toward Religion: The United States, France, and Turkey
EAN 9780521741347 27.87 USD -
Criminalization of the State in Africa (African Issues)
EAN 9780253212863 19.95 USD -
Mastering American Indian Law (Carolina Academic Press Mastering)
EAN 9781594603297 24.38 USD -
Geopolitics: The Geography of International Relations
EAN 9780742556768 50.16 USD -
Political Science (North American edition): A Comparative Introduction (Comparative Government and Politics)
EAN 9780230101142 55.00 USD -
World Criminal Justice Systems, Eighth Edition: A Comparative Survey
EAN 9781455725892 59.80 USD -
Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes After the Cold War (Problems of International Politics)
EAN 9780521709156 32.75 USD -
Gun Policy in the United States and Canada: The Impact of Mass Murders and Assassinations on Gun Control
EAN 9781441106506 117.00 USD -
Afghanistan from the Cold War through the War on Terror
EAN 9780199791125 29.73 USD -
Century of Genocide: Critical Essays and Eyewitness Accounts
EAN 9780415990851 44.95 USD