Producer - Академический проект, ДНК
Stalinskii folklor
EAN 9785733103372 5.54 USD -
Вонзайся, черный терновник
EAN 9785733103679 6.52 USD -
Ten Dimitriya. Opyt prochteniya pushkinskogo "Borisa Godunova"
EAN 9785733103594 5.82 USD -
Intertekstual"naia Poetika Romana I.S. Turgeneva "Rudin": Chteniia po Russkoi i Evropeiskoi Literature[Intertextual poetics of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Rudin": Readings in Russian and European literature]
EAN 9785733103655 4.59 USD -
Po etu storonu ot mertvyh
EAN 9785733103501 1.95 USD