Use of RNS based Pseudo Noise Sequence: in DS-CDMA and 3G WCDMA

The core of the next generation CDMA technology lies in CDMA code design approach which should take into account as many real operational conditions as possible and to maintain a suciently large code set size. In this book, use of RNS based PN Sequence with respect to multiuser CDMA applications is presented. The book reviews Residue Number System (RNS), DS-CDMA, CDMA codes that have been implemented in various mobile cellular standards and the PN Sequence generator design based on RNS. Generation of large set of spreading sequences for a given spreading factor and the significance of cross-correlation factor in alleviating multi-access interference, DS-CDMA performance in MAI- Rayleigh flat fading and different stationary multipath channels and use of the generated sequence as Channelization code in 3G WCDMA downlink is also presented.