Use of RNS based Pseudo Noise Sequence
Цена 63.00 - 69.79 USD
The core of the next generation CDMA technology lies in CDMA code design approach which should take into account as many real operational conditions as possible and to maintain a suciently large code set size. In this book, use of RNS based PN Sequence with respect to multiuser CDMA applications is presented. The book reviews Residue Number System (RNS), DS-CDMA, CDMA codes that have been implemented in various mobile cellular standards and the PN Sequence generator design based on RNS. Generation of large set of spreading sequences for a given spreading factor and the significance of cross-correlation factor in alleviating multi-access interference, DS-CDMA performance in MAI- Rayleigh flat fading and different stationary multipath channels and use of the generated sequence as Channelization code in 3G WCDMA downlink is also presented.