Sudby traditsionnoi kultury: Sbornik statei i materialov pamiati Larisy Ivlevoi
Price 8.04 USD
This collected work was written in commemoration of the folk culture expert, a specialist on folk pageants and games, a student of Propp, L.M. Ivleva (1944-1995). Ivleva studied the relationship that linked the ritual, theater and game, perceived mummery as a myth in essence and a game in appearance, and regarded the mask as a way of communication with the nether world. Several articles about her heritage are followed by 1) a section containing her works, 2) a section on linguistic and psychological aspects of Russian rituals and magic, 3) on folk music, 4) field trip accounts. See also other works by Ivleva: Riazhen"e v Russkoi Traditsionnoi Kul"ture, 1994 (009341), Doteatral"no-Igrovoi Iazyk Russkogo Fol"klora, 1998 (013140 ). In Russian, Slovene, German.