Work From Home Ideas. 463 Ways To Make Money From Home. Moneymaking Ideas & Home Based Business Ideas. Online And Offline Ideas For All Ages.
Price 25.97 - 39.23 USD
- Are you fed up working for your boss? - Are you doing OK but would like to earn some extra money? - Do you never have any money? - Do you want to leave the rat race? - Are you working flat out for low wages and you just want more? - Have you got an expensive wedding coming up? - Do you fancy a holiday but haven"t got any disposable income? - Are you bored and have nothing to do in your free time? - Are you counting the pennies each month only to discover you haven"t got enough? - Do you have credit card bills you want to pay off but haven"t got the money? - Are you an O.A.P and would love something to do? - You can"t find a job? - Do you want to spend more time with your family? Congratulations.... you want to do something about it! If you can answer "Yes" to any of the above questions, you"re not alone! A lot of people have asked me over the years: "I would love to work from home. Can you give me some ideas?" I have been working from home for the last 8 years and I totally l o v e it! I am pretty sure I"ll never work for somebody else again! You can do this too. All you need is persistence and dedication! Oh, I almost forgot to mention, you will also have to do some work! Easy to understand and read, this is a must have book for anyone who wants to earn some extra money or set up a business working from home. Whether you want to earn a full time living or just earn some extra money, you"ll find plenty of ideas: 463 to be exact! I hope that you will find some ideas in this book that you will put into practice so you can improve your financial situation. Good luck! Covered in this book: - Being an entrepreneur - Home based business basics - Advantages and disadvantages of working from home - About your skills - The importance of getting prepared - How to find the right idea for you - Home office tips - Time management tips - Working alone - How to promote your business - The 10 most important things to succeed - Crazy ideas already done - Make money offline ideas - Make money online - NO website needed - ideas - Make money online - your own website needed - ideas - A word about taxes Christine Clayfield is a full time Internet marketer and has been for many years. She is the author of: "From Newbie To Millionaire", "Drop Shipping and eCommerce. What You Need And Where To Get it", "Finding Niches Made Easy" and "Design Free Websites" She is also the creator of the Self Publishing Video Tutorials: Armed with just passion and drive, she made it her mission to understand all aspects of Internet marketing. She has helped countless people to get to grips with making money online. She has lots of niche websites, runs a few eCommerce websites and she has self published over 200 books, all in different niches. More information about Christine: