Work From Home Ideas. 463 Ways To Make Money From Home. Moneymaking Ideas & Home Based Business Ideas. Online And Offline Ideas For All Ages.
Цена 25.97 - 39.23 USD
- Are you fed up working for your boss? - Are you doing OK but would like to earn some extra money?- Do you never have any money?- Do you want to leave the rat race?- Are you working flat out for low wages and you just want more?- Have you got an expensive wedding coming up?- Do you fancy a holiday but haven't got any disposable income?- Are you bored and have nothing to do in your free time?- Are you counting the pennies each month only to discover you haven't got enough?- Do you have credit card bills you want to pay off but haven't got the money?- Are you an O.A.P and would love something to do?- You can't find a job?- Do you want to spend more time with your family?Congratulations.... you want to do something about it! If you can answer "Yes" to any of the above questions, you're not alone! A lot of people have asked me over the years: "I would love to work from home. Can you give me some ideas?" I have been working from home for the last 8 years and I totally l o v e it! I am pretty sure I'll never work for somebody else again! You can do this too. All you need is persistence and dedication! Oh, I almost forgot to mention, you will also have to do some work!Easy to understand and read, this is a must have book for anyone who wants to earn some extra money or set up a business working from home. Whether you want to earn a full time living or just earn some extra money, you'll find plenty of ideas: 463 to be exact!I hope that you...