God Magnified, Part 8: Unveiling Three Sacrificial Self-sharers
Price 7.00 - 10.70 USD
"O magnify the Lord with me" (Ps. 34:3). One effective way to closely examine and worth-ship God is to meditate on what the Scriptures specifically testify that "God is." As the Holy Spirit opens the God is statements of the Bible to us, we discover the fusion of the Trinity. In this eighth volume, Unveiling Three Sacrificial Self-sharers, we will see: 1. how Father, Son, and Spirit share all things with One Another, 2. how "all the fullness" of these things were shared with the Son Jesus as a Man, and 3. in this God-Man, the Triune-God share all things with us human beings who have bought into Him by faith: "...all things belong to you, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God" (1 Cor. 3:22-23). The kingdom of God is a cohabitation of individuals who are "one" in Agape: sacrificial self-sharing Love. Father, Son, and Spirit steward this one shared estate on behalf of One Another and on our behalf as "children of God...heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ" (Rom. 8:17).