God Magnified Part 9. Abiding in the Lord of Hosts
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"O magnify the Lord with me" (Ps. 34:3). One effective way to closely examine and worth-ship God is to meditate on what the Scriptures testify that God is. As the Holy Spirit opens the God is statements of the Bible to us, we discover the fusion of the Trinity. In this ninth volume, God Magnified: Abiding in the Lord of Hosts, we will see that Father, Son, and Spirit are three hospitable Self-sharers Who desire to include you and me in Their own relational fusion and inter-personal oneness: "that they may also be in Us...that they may be one, just as We are one" (John 17:21-22). As a Host, the Trinity have invited "hosts" of unique individuals to cohabit with Them in the God-Man Jesus Christ Who embodies the kingdom of God. Through the Scriptures, we will examine the blueprints of this relational, inter-personal infrastructure from macro to micro: 1. individual stars orbit the nucleus of one galaxy; 2. individual, unlocked gardens adjoin one another as one shared estate; 3. living stones are fit together on one Cornerstone as one building; and 4. individual members are incorporated into the one body (corpus) of one Man, Christ Jesus.