Exit Strategies for Nanotechnology Companies (Executive Reports)

Price 59.68 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781596223530

This 17-page Executive Report written for investors and executives focuses on the importance of specific exit strategies for nanotechnology companies, including M&A and IPOs. Top executives of leading nanotechnology companies determine the best time for an exit strategy and the factors that affect this timeline. Companies are advised on how to financially structure themselves to prepare for an exit strategy. The characteristics of a strategic buyer are identified as well as the most important questions to ask before determining valuation, how valuations can be affected, and what direction valuations will take in the future. Insights into effective negotiating, strategies for increasing value, and current trends are all provided for the ideal exit scenario. Executives are inspired to stay focused on the here and now to build a business that will sustain into the future. Other topics are the four critical areas of due diligence; liquidating stock; engaging third parties; benefits and valuations of IPOs; building client base and executing a sales plan; research and development; how to attract capital and add value; intellectual property; market caps; acquisitions; and how publicity affects valuations. Executive Reports offer focused, hard-hitting advice from the leaders of some of America"s top companies, packaged in a concise, readable format. Each report provides readers with 3 to 5 strategies that will have a direct financial impact on their business. While not meant as a comprehensive guide, each report includes quick-hit items that can immediately impact specific business strategies. Executive authors drill down to the central issues surrounding each topic area and dispense expert advice in concise, direct language. Executive Reports feature leading professionals selected by the Aspatore Editorial Board based on their experience, research, and standing within the professional community. This Executive Report is written by: David E. Reisner, Ph.D, President & CEO, The Nano GroupTM Inc., Inframat® Corp., & US Nanocorp® Inc. - "Preparing for an Exit Strategy" Joe Romano, COO & CMO, QuantumSphere Inc. - "How Valuations are Affected" Mark J. Emkjer, President & CEO, Accelrys Inc. - "Adding Value Before Forming Exit Strategies" Vincent Gau, Ph.D, CEO, GeneFluidics Inc. - "Exit Strategies for Nanotech" Evan Unger, M.D., President & CEO, ImaRx Therapeutics Inc. - "Ensuring Returns on Investments"