Audit Procedures, 2007 (with CD-ROM)
Designed specifically to help practitioners prevail in the current climate of intense scrutiny, Audit Procedures presents the conservative and cost-effective approach needed to conduct a higher-quality audit of nonpublic commercial entities. Practical discussion and consideration of the day-to-day management of audit engagements enhance the quality of the auditor"s practice while easy-to-read and easy-to-understand advice, procedures, and practice aids enable practitioners to put official pronouncements into action immediately. Checklists, questionnaires, workpapers, sample correspondence, and sample auditor"s reports take the auditor through an engagement, from the initial evaluation of a client to the issuance of the auditor"s report. Efficient cost-saving measures, featured throughout the book, help reduce the tendency to overaudit. PCAOB"s Auditing Standards are also discussed. This year, the AICPA"s Auditing Standards Board has issued a set of eight new risk assessment standards (SASs 104-111) that represent significant changes to existing audit practice--all of which (and more) are covered in this edition. Audit Procedures comes with a free, companion CD-ROM that contains audit programs, correspondence and confirmation letters, practice aids, forms, checklists, Excel workpapers, and auditor"s reports. The files on the CD-ROM can be used as templates and edited to suit the practitioner"s needs. The topical index and cross-reference section are both designed to locate needed information quickly. Audit Procedures meets accounting industry standards overseen by the peer review system and contains a document covering the peer review of this book. CPE credits are available through the CCH Learning Center (see the book Highlights for more information). This book can be used in conjunction with the GAAS Update Service.