OCBOA Guide with CD-ROM
The primary objective of the OCBOA Guide is to show accountants the most cost-effective approach for preparing and reporting on OCBOA (other comprehensive bases of accounting) financial statements. OCBOA Guide provides practical discussion and consideration of the most common issues surrounding OCBOA financial statements. It reduces the technical language of official pronouncements to easy-to-read and easy-to-understand advice and procedures. It is designed to enhance the quality of your practice, and it presents an approach that will help you prepare and report on OCBOA financial statements effectively and efficiently. Throughout the OCBOA Guide you will find engagement efficiency, effectiveness, and cost-saving measures to help you complete your engagements profitably. At the same time, this guide includes numerous practice aids, checklists, questionnaires, workpapers, sample correspondence, and sample reports that take you through an engagement from the initial evaluation of a client to issuance of the appropriate report. OCBOA Guide consists of 10 chapters that cover all major OCBOA issues, including: · Professional standards applicable to OCBOA financial statements · Engagement planning and administration issues · Cash- and modified cash-basis financial statements · Income tax basis financial statements · Other-basis financial statements · OCBOA for unique entities, such as individuals and not-for-profit organizations · Audit engagement and reporting issues and examples · Compilation and review engagement and reporting issues and examples · Illustrations and applications of forms, checklists, and practice aids This book also comes with a free companion CD-ROM containing adaptable workpapers and practice aids that can be put to immediate use.